Youth Skilling
According to the census, 50% of India’s population is below 25 years. It can pay a huge demographic dividend for the nation. Conversely, if not harnessed this power, it can turn out to be a demographic bomb. Today’s workforce, especially the young workforce, most of it is in urban areas or in developing areas of the states. So, what about the young people who are living in the rural areas or in small towns? People who are struggling to earn a livelihood because they are not educated or possess the relevant skill sets?
We at READ India believe that by mentoring and skilling our youth, especially among marginalised communities, we not only ensure their future, but also that of the nation. Life Skills for Youth is committed to helping the community.
In 2015, READ built capacity of more than 1300 Youth through Life-skills, career counselling, personality development workshops, English communication and Sports for Development Workshops. READ Volunteers and Interns also provided support by conducting regular activities with the youth at READ Knowledge Centres.
The Life Skills workshops helped the youth in:
- Understanding themselves through self-evaluation and identifying their core strengths. What they are good at and what positive qualities they possess.
- Examining the relationship between values and behaviour.
- Understand the physical and emotional changes that happen during different stages of life.
- Clarify their misconceptions about sex and sexuality; and understand how these myths and misconceptions can harm them.
- Preparing for entrance exams and choose the most suitable career with advice from experts in Career Counselling workshops.
- Becoming Community Leaders through the Sports for Development Program and help school children learn life skills in turn, through various sports activities.
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