The life is a big teacher, we sometimes do not realise what it is teaching us. We take everything for granted as the Sun, Moon, Air, Water……..
The reality is different. Our ancestors practiced barter system for their survival. We have forgotten as we have now the power of money, cash, plastic or whatsoever. In barter system, give and take used to depend on fulfilling the needs. We spend much more in purchases which are not needs but greed. The needs desires and greed are completely three aspects, having different mind sets, thought process, decision making, resulting in compromising values, but somewhere causing comparisons, differences and distances. Where the life is taking us…….
We say the pandemic has taught us many things but to whom, who lost their close family members, children lost their parents, parents lost their children, many lost their jobs, many slept without meals at night, many went under depression losing their business.
Not only pandemic but many other situations of survival are not because of pandemic but disparity, access to right opportunity, lack of capabilities, no guidance, no mentor in life. Why? Because of hesitation in sharing, restrictions due to society pressure, unsafe environment around and above all the huge gap of rich and poor.
Above all, we say have positive thought process, live in positivity, lighten your baggage of assumptions. All good to hear but how many practice in reality and how many share their best practices with others. Are we living in the real world and what are we leaving behind for our next generations.
All said and done, if a few handful of people with clarity, confidence, courage and grace, handhold others to make them understand how valuable life is, it’s beauty does not lie in what glitters, but it is inside you. Keep this inside beauty clean, make it shine with your efforts, thoughts, sharpen and share this beauty with your words of wisdom, life is colourful with brightness and with ambitions to reach the heights which you see through your own eyes!
This picture inspired me to write a few lines. Innocence and brightness in eyes looking up with some hidden ambitions in life…….May the colours of Holi makes this child and every child’s life colourful, bright, hopeful, ambitious and let us all strive to help these children fulfil their dreams and leave behind the virtues of happy and healthy life!